We feel that it is really important to have a Green Policy as it reminds us of our goals and help us to share our ideas with our guests.

Reducing and recycling
- We reuse ‘found items’ on the farm wherever we can.
- Furnishings are handmade on the farm using recycled or farm produced materials, or bought locally wherever possible.
- Separate bins are provided for recycling and composting waste and guests are given a clear idea of what materials can be recycled.
- Food waste is collected in a separate, clearly labelled bin in the camp kitchen and is composted wherever possible.
- Guests are given the opportunity to offer unwanted food items to others. Unused packaged food items are taken to our local food bank.
- The amount of energy that we use on site is reduced by using the heat created by the rocket stove to heat kettles of water at the same time as it is heating shower water. Also, by dimming solar lighting and using timer switches to regulate the times that lighting can be switched on.
- We reduce the amount of paper that we use by concentrating bookings through our online system. We use recycled paper for admin and for media printing.
- Paper packaging is used for our food parcels and our alpaca products.
- Recycled toilet paper is provided in the compost loos
Sustainable use of resources
- Wood is sourced from around the farm or bought locally.
- Eco firelighters are provided onsite for free and are made without using chemicals from wood shavings and wax.
- Our charcoal is made locally in Suffolk or Norfolk.
- The campsite composting loos collect human waste, which is then composted and put back into the earth around trees and hedges around the farm.
- All of the water used on site is recycled using GROW, a system that uses gravel and marginal plants to convert Grey water to Green water. The Green water is then released back into the environment.
- The composting loos save water as they do not need to be flushed.
- The urinal has a push button flush to save water
- Rain water is collected from the buildings on the campsite and is used to water plants and dilute the collected urine from the toilets and urinal.
Green energy
- All of the energy need for water heating, space heating, lighting and cooking on site is produced using wood or solar power.
- Rechargeable batteries are used wherever possible.
- Our washing machine and tumble drier have the highest energy rating possible.
Eco travel
- We encourage the use of pedal power by providing free bikes to borrow
- Guests arriving by public transport or under their own steam receive a 10% discount
- We provide cycle and walking maps to borrow
- A bike shed is available for guests to store their own bikes
- Cooking kit and pre-pitched tents are available on site so that guests can travel light
- Guests are asked to only travel in one car per pitch/accommodation wherever possible
Meadow environment
- Large areas of the meadow are left undisturbed for wildlife.
- Pitches and paths are cut into the meadow to encourage guests to use specific routes.
- Dead hedges and native hedges are used as boundary fencing.
- A bug hotel and snake hotel give smaller wildlife a home.
- There is as little lighting on site as possible so as not to disturb wildlife
- Guests are asked not to bring amplified music to the meadow
- We work with local wildlife trusts to identify and preserve wildlife and fauna on the meadow
- No permanent changes have been made to the meadow and all non permanent structures are removed at the end of each season
- The meadow is managed to encourage the growth of wild flowers and native grasses
- We have an owl box in the barn and provide an undisturbed environment for bats
- Information and diagrams explain how the green facilities work
- There is a library of wildlife spotter books, binoculars and bug hunting kits available to borrow.
- Signs around the campsite encourage guests to reduce waste, use resources carefully and look after the environment
The products that we choose to use on site
- Eco cleaning products are used wherever possible.
- Campers are supplied with eco hand wash and washing up liquid.
- Cotton towels are used, rather than paper towels, or electric hand driers.
- Linen and towels are line dried wherever possible and we avoid ironing if it is not necessary.
- Wooden buildings are treated using an environmentally friendly product.
- We use eco paints wherever possible.
- Weed killers are only used to treat injurious weeds where required by law.
Supporting local business
- Guests receive information about local businesses and a walking map to local shops and pubs
- We shop local for our supplies where we can, or choose UK suppliers that are nearby, or that share our values of sustainable living and caring for the environment.
Keeping in touch with green issues and local campaigns
- We work with Suffolk Wildlife and our local tree warden to plant trees and hedges on the farm and make improvements such as new farm ponds
- Our farm is entered into the Countryside Stewardship scheme under the Mixed Farming Option