Whilst you are here you are very welcome to say hello to the farm animals. We keep Shetland sheep and alpacas. We are also home to a hive of Hepworth Bee Co-operative honey bees.
The farm animals include a mixed Shetland flock of breeding ewes, wethers (castrated males) and Rams. The lambs arrive each spring and provide constant entertainment. We also have a herd of suri and huacaya alpacas – all boys this time.
The sheep and alpacas provide us with beautiful soft fibre that we send to the mill each year for processing into yarn. Some of the yarn we use to crochet and weave accessories. We have a stall at Wyken Vineyards Farmers Market on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month and also at Bury St Edmunds Marker Market on the first Sunday of each month. We also sell via Etsy and our own website https://freerangefibre.co.uk