Oh boy, where to start! Well, the good weather has been a bit of a blessing this weekend as we have desperately needed to get on with some ground works.

Our first task involved battling with a stubborn turf cutter in order to clear an area of the car park that needed levelling off – it was close but I am pleased to say that we eventually won and now have a beautiful stacked pile of turf and a very sad looking area of soil. We finished just before the hail started! Unfortunately our children found the neat pile of turf the next day and created their own version of the Grand National with fairly devastating results….ggrrr.

turf cutting

My Dad and Neel then spent Saturday going around in circles as they cut the pitches for the tents. It looks great from the ground but not content with this Neel is now trying to think of a way of attaching a camera to a kite so we can see the resulting crop circles from the air!

As for me, I have spent the majority of the weekend painting the bike shed with wood preserver. Oh the joys of DIY.

crop circles
Turf wars and crop circles
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